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About us

About us

Idea S.P.E.A.K.

SpeakingWorld platform was created as the hub where students can smoothly and efficiently develop fluency of speaking. Thanks to many years of experience in teaching foreign lanuages we know that only with the right commitment and motivation, you can achieve the results you desire. Based on these facts, an idea was born, which we called the S.P.E.A.K. Idea – means philosophy of overcoming speaking barriers as well as enthusiastic approach to learn languages.

In order to SPEAK... you have to be: Do rozmowy są potrzebne:
Self-confident (not afraid to make mistakes) S Serce (do nauki)
Positive (and focused on the things you already know) P Pewność siebie (aby móc się wyrażać)
Exited (about gaining knowledge) E Entuzjazm (aby cieszyć się z postępów)
Alive (to interact with the real world) A Akceptacja (własnych błędów)
Keen (to get better every day) K Komunikacja (budująca porozumienie)
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Proven method

Proven method

We have practical knowledge on how to effectively teach languages, how to choose the material appropriate to the level of students, and how to engage them to actively participate in the training process. Thanks to a team of outstanding, creative lecturers we have managed to reach many thousands of people and enable them to master a foreign language, much to their satisfaction.


SW focuses on people - our students and our lecturers. Each of them is an inseparable element of a complicated puzzle, perfectly reflecting the complexity of the world and its diversity. We know that people are only able to communicate when they understand each other and when they talk to each other - about important and trivial matters, about exceptional as well as ordinary circumstances. In our team, we are lucky to have group of interesting, positive and open lecturers who will encourage the students to start speaking and convince them that language learning does not have to be difficult. Our dream is that everyone at SW can find a common language with others.



The classes at SpeakingWorld are created so as to stimulate the intellectual and emotional involvement of students in conversation. We place a strong emphasis on ensuring that our students have an emotionally engaging experience that accompanies a conversation on any given topic. We choose the vocabulary, concepts and language expressions for specific issues and specific people - thanks to this, each of our students feel fully involved and motivated.


SW is a modern, innovative tool with unprecedented educational opportunities, which - as its name suggests - has one key objective: learning to converse in a foreign language. To achieve this, we aim to create a friendly, comfortable atmosphere during classes, thus the students ability to speak is developed in an intuitive and natural way. By involving our students in the subject of conversation, we encourage the learner to express opinions and emotions using a foreign language. This method leads to instant and long-lasting results, while at the same time providing a great deal of satisfaction.



What distinguishes SpeakingWorld from other language platforms is overcoming spatial barriers and focusing on the development of modern, mobile technologies. We provide you with the opportunity to conduct conversations in any place with Internet access (Wi-Fi or LTE) - thanks to this; the classes can be conducted at home, in the office, cafe, park, beach or train. Start your adventure with SpeakingWorld today, all you need is a computer, notebook, tablet or smartphone!


At SpeakingWorld, we give listeners access to a huge library of learning resources from renowned educational centers such as Cambridge, Oxford, MacMillan and Longman. Our courses are tailored to the specific needs of students, their levels and requirements. We conduct classes with a view to general and business conversations, certification exams, tests, job interviews and foreign trips. Our goal is to make our listeners confident in themselves and their speeches.



The SpeakingWorld language platform is the fruit of many years of work and experience in the field of teaching foreign languages. It is also a new stage in the development of our passion for foreign languages, using state-of-the-art technologies. We create a friendly place for students, offering unprecedented opportunities to conduct language conversations 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Our courses are a combination of flexible class hours with a rich educational foundation accompanied by interesting and insightful teachers.

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[Kilka faktów o SpeakingWorld] ?

A few facts about SpeakingWorld

200 Number of available courses
50 Active virtual courses
50 Number of teachers
2100 Number of students
[Why SpeakingWorld] ?

Why SpeakingWorld?

If You are still not convinced to learn at SpeakingWorld, here are most important advantages of our platform:
Why SpeakingWorld?
  1. We provide comprehensive language solutions such as courses for companies and institutions, through group and individual courses. With us, you will also participate in individually tailored language workshops that will allow you to improve your language skills in a topic of your choice. Everything is where you are - via the internet.
  2. Our range of services, are individually tailored to your needs. Our goal is to effectively teach foreign languages and greatly improve your improve language skills. We work with over 300 teachers and train over 3,000 students per year.
  3. We focus on development and innovation – REVOLUTION 4.0 . We meet the needs of customers in a modern form paired with excellent quality. Our offer includes: individually selected learning paths, specialist subjects, business and general courses. Our offer targets both entrepreneurs and individuals at various levels of language proficiency.
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